A light-based color mode, the RGB color scheme is the visible color spectrum that a computer monitor emits. As such, it is ideal for graphics meant for websites, desktop wallpapers and digital publications. RGB color is not intended for print media as RGB-based images typically have a resolution of 72 pixels per inch (ppi) instead of 300, which the standard minimum for print. Enter RGB Colorspace Atlas.
RGB Colorspace Atlas is created by American artist Tauba Auerbach. It’s a set of massive 8 x 8 x 8-inch hard-back tomes that shows the RGB color scheme in a print medium.
A great way to visualize all the hues in existence, these wonderful books of colors were produced through digital offset printing. It is case bound with airbrushed cloth cover. The page edges are airbrushed as well.
Aurbach designed the binding with book artist Daniel E. Kelm, who bound the book at his studio, Wide Awake Garage, with assistance from Leah Hughes.